Rodents and rabbits

CAROB BEAN PROFESSIONAL STICK for rodents and rabbits

Symbol: P-GCS

Article no: 229

Quantity in a box: 2 (110g)

Quantity of the boxes in a display: 10

Quantity of the boxes in a cardboard: 50 (5x10)

CAROB BEAN PROFESSIONAL STICK for rodents and rabbits


PROFESSIONAL stick contains one clearly dominant ingredient important for pets’ health. It excellently complements the basic diet.

 Carob beans are sources of digestible carbohydrates, vitamins A, E, B1 and B2, mineral salts and fibre. They have a beneficial influence on the digestive system and in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. They contain calcium and phosphorus that strengthen the skeletal system as well as gallic acid that has antibacterial and antiviral properties.

carob beans              19%
oats flakes
husk-free oat

vit. B1  0,8 mg/kg
vit. B2  3,0 mg/kg
vit. B6  1,5 mg/kg
vit. K3  1,5 mg/kg
vit. C    20,0 mg/kg


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