Rodents and rabbits

Premium Plus Stick for rodents and rabbits - VEGETABLES

Symbol: FU-GW

Article no: 247

Quantity in a box: 2 (115g)

Quantity of the boxes in a display: 10

Quantity of the boxes in a cardboard: 50 (5x10)

Premium Plus Stick for rodents and rabbits - VEGETABLES


GREEN LINE PREMIUM PLUS sticks are a real mine of 100% natural, extremely beneficial and carefully selected nutrients. They also have a great taste and are very popular among animals.

GREEN LINE stick can help your pet in many ways as it can replace:
- a fitness gym because your pet needs to do some exercise in order to get some food
- best restaurants as this meal is a real delicacy both tasty and healthy
- dietician because all ingredients are carefully picked out and well balanced
- pedicure as the wooden base gives them opportunity to abrade their nails
- dentist because it's a natural abrasion of their teeth as well.


oats flakes  
mungo beans   
dried carrots 6,5%
pea flakes 5%
husk-free oat  
beetroots 1%


vit. B1  0,8 mg/kg
vit. B2  3,0 mg/kg
vit. B6  1,5 mg/kg
vit. K3  1,5 mg/kg
vit. C   20,0 mg/kg



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